Couples Counseling

5 Ways to Bring Gratitude and Thankfulness Into your Sexual Relationship

Happy couple with faces close together

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the United States. It's a season for reflection and expressing gratitude. While we often focus on family, friends, and life's blessings, it's crucial not to overlook an essential aspect of our lives: our sexual relationships. Research has consistently shown that gratitude can significantly benefit our sexual connections, enhancing satisfaction and deepening our bond with our partners.

Recent studies suggest that gratitude in relationships acts as an antidote to taking each other for granted, a common issue in failing relationships. Gratitude helps maintain close relationships by fostering a cycle of generosity and commitment​​. Expressing gratitude releases oxytocin, known as the “love hormone,” which builds a stronger connection and bond between partners​​.

Here are five ways you can express how thankful you are for the sexy person in your life.

  1. Start Outside the Bedroom: Great sexual connection often begins with the smaller, everyday interactions outside the bedroom so gratitude should too. During the holiday season, with its inherent chaos and busyness, take a moment to observe and appreciate the ways your partner contributes to managing the hustle and bustle. Identify three specific things your partner does exceptionally well - perhaps it's their knack for organizing family gatherings, their patience in handling holiday shopping, or their creativity in festive decorations. Share these observations with your partner, providing concrete examples to highlight your appreciation. This gesture of recognition can strengthen your emotional connection, paving the way for a more fulfilling sexual relationship.

  2. What’s Great About Us: What makes your current relationship different from past ones? Is it the way your partner understands your unspoken words, the comfort you find in their presence, or the adventurous spirit you both share in exploring new experiences? Reflect on these unique aspects and share them with your partner. Let them know why you are thankful that they are the one you’re with and not someone else. Tell them how they enrich your life in ways no one else can. This form of gratitude celebrates your journey together, reinforcing the special bond you share.

  3. Grateful You’ve Got Me: Consider a moment when you felt safe enough to be vulnerable with your partner, to express your innermost desires and needs without fear of judgment. Acknowledge and thank your partner for creating a space where you can be your authentic self. This gratitude highlights the trust and security in your relationship, essential ingredients for a deeper and more intimate connection.

  4. Grateful You Trust Me To Have You: Reflect on a time your partner was courageous and shared their desires, needs, or concerns. Express your gratitude for their honesty and the safety within your relationship that fosters such openness. Engage in a conversation about how you can continue nurturing this secure environment, encouraging open dialogue about desires and needs in the bedroom. This ongoing communication is vital for maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

  5. Sexy is Spelled with a Why: Take some time to list what you find most attractive about your partner. Yes, mention how their butt looks in that one outfit or how their arms look after they’ve worked out. But go beyond their physical traits too. It could be personality traits, talents, passions and hobbies, or the special ways they express love. Share this list with your partner, either all at once or gradually, through affectionate texts or love notes. Knowing why our partner finds us sexy means so much more than just a blanket statement that they do find us sexy.

There’s countless ways to show this gratitude but what is most important is that it does get shown and shown clearly. Expressing gratitude for our partners and the unique, intimate bond we share with them leads to deeper satisfaction and a stronger connection. So, this holiday season, let's cherish and celebrate the love and intimacy we share with our partners, making it a truly memorable and gratifying Thanksgiving.

To read more about gratitude in our relationships, check out the links below.

Lastly, if you’re finding yourself coming up a bit shortin things about your relationship to be grateful for, we can help. Check out our pages on couples sex therapy or couples counseling. You can also book a consultation with one of our specialized counselors to find out more about how they can help you and your partner build a relationship that you’ll be grateful for the rest of your life.

How to reply when your partner says “We don’t need counseling”

Telling your partner that you want to go to couples counseling requires being really vulnerable. When your partner says they don’t want to go or don’t think it’s necessary, it can be frustrating, disappointing, and discouraging. However, it doesn’t mean that your partner doesn’t want to work on the relationship, and it doesn’t mean that you’re in a hopeless situation. So, instead of sitting with anger and hopelessness, what can you do? If you don’t know how to reply when your partner says that you don’t need couples counseling, then you have come to the right place. 

What do I do when my partner doesn't think couples counseling is necessary? 

Not everyone wants to go to counseling, and their reasons are their own. As the partner who wants to go to couples counseling, it’s important to recognize that, generally speaking, your partner’s reaction to the proposal of counseling is about them, not you or your relationship. In fact, we just wrote a whole post about this. Read more about that here. For our purposes here, suffice it to say that you can leave some space for your partner to deal with whatever is coming up for them, and start with yourself. Look into individual counseling. If they refuse to go, you can’t force them, and it’s likely not about you. Focus on what you can control: you and your healing.  

Another option in this situation is to get creative and ask your partner if they are open to some other options. You could recommend reading or listening to a book together, finding a retreat or marriage seminar, or watching some videos on improving relationships (we have some suggestions below). Many well-educated people want the information they have to be in as many hands as possible, and fortunately for all of us, that means that there is no shortage of wonderful resources that can help your relationship regardless of whether your partner wants to actually go to counseling. 

Does individual counseling matter if you really need couples counseling?

Yes! Absolutely.  Let’s use a quick metaphor: You have two legs, and one of your legs is out of commission because of a knee injury. You can’t just sit around nursing one knee and ignoring the other leg as a whole. Surely, you can do that, but then you’ll end up with two legs that need to be rehabilitated, not one. So, while you’re waiting for the injured knee to heal, you need to still work out the healthy leg so you don’t double the work you have to do once the other knee is healed. Individual counseling functions much the same way in a relationship. You can work on yourself regardless of whether or not your partner wants to join you. This may help you avoid some problems, and it will certainly help you as an individual. However, it’s important to remember that you cannot carry the relationship alone. No matter how much work you do, you can’t compensate for your partner not doing any work at all. You can only do as much as you can do for yourself; this will be helpful, but it likely won’t be enough to fully repair your relationship. 

In short, yes. It does matter. You deserve to be healthy and whole.  

Can I fix the relationship without couples counseling if I think we really need it?

In truth, it depends. On the one hand, people have been solving relationship problems without professional help for centuries, since the beginning of relationships, really. So, yes, some relationships can get better without couples counseling. The caveat, here, though, is that you can’t fix a relationship by hoping that it will get better and not doing anything else. Without professional help, you will need to really lean into the hard work and heavy lifting that goes into repairing a relationship.  

On the other hand, there are a lot of relationships who barely make it with a lot of help from a skilled clinician. Far too often, we can’t see our own issues well enough to address them. Oftentimes, you need an outside, educated perspective of a couples counselor to actually see what is at play and recognize the root of the issues.  Not having that outside, educated perspective might mean that some of the issues are poorly addressed, don’t get addressed at all, or, in some circumstances, are made worse. 

The last thing to remember is that an ended relationship isn’t a failed relationship. Your relationship can run its course and end without being labeled as a “failure.” Sometimes, an ending is the healthiest option for everyone involved. 

Is it ever okay to give an ultimatum in a relationship?

Lots of people confuse “give an ultimatum” with “threaten.” Threats aren’t helpful. Most of the time they don’t work to get the person to do what you want. And even if they do, they undermine trust, damage the relationship, and ultimately can breed resentment. Ultimatums, if what makes them distinct from a threat comes through, have more potential to be helpful. Two good things to help you know if you are giving an ultimatum or a threat are the sincerity of the words and the tone you use. 

First is sincerity. If you say “if you don’t go to couples counseling, then we’re done,” but you don’t actually mean it, that’s a threat, not an ultimatum. Threats are about control. You’re essenetially lying about what will happen to try to control your partner. If they go along with it and learn you weren’t honest, it may do a lot of damage. If they don’t go along with it and you don’t leave, they now know you were lying and they can’t trust you. Both ways, they end up feeling manipulated.

Let’s say that you truly are done with the relationship and are prepared to be out by the end of the week if they don’t go to counseling. If you approach your partner and scream at them “either you go to couples counseling or I’m leaving,” they’ll probably still take it as a threat even if you mean it. Instead, find a quiet time to have a heartfelt and calm conversation about how you are feeling, the desperation and hopelessness that is setting in, and how you have come to a decision that if the two of you don’t get into couples counseling and get to work that you have to leave for your own wellbeing. 

A real ultimatum in a relationship is about honest communication and empowering the partner to be able to make a very clearly informed choice, not about exercising power and making them do what you want. You cannot control your partner; you cannot force them to do anything, and if you want a healthy relationship (and since you’re here, you likely do), a threat is never the way to make healthy progress. If you are at the end of your rope, then tell your partner that you have to be done if they won’t go. That is okay.

What can I do if I’ve already gotten angry with my partner for saying no? How do I repair while holding my stance?

Your behavior and feelings are separate. If you have already gotten angry with your partner, take a step back to separate out your feelings, needs, and hopes from your behavior. You can apologize for behaving poorly while not apologizing for your needs. Acknowledge to your partner that the way you went about getting your needs met was hurtful and apologize for it. Then, you can find a new way to approach your partner and come up with some ideas to honor everyone’s needs and feelings. 

Be creative and get help in other ways

We’ve already discussed that being creative about the help you find can be really beneficial when your partner doesn’t want to go to counseling, but we don’t want to leave you high and dry when it comes to actually finding those resources. 


These days, it’s pretty simple to do a quick Google search to find reputable books about relationships and marriage. So, please be sure to do your own research to find something that resonates with you and both challenges and aligns with your current worldview. A few we recommend are: 

TED Talks

Final thoughts

Don’t give up hope, be creative, find other ways to do it, and get back to what you can control and work on yourself. It takes more than one person to make a relationship work and be healthy, but the fact is that you can only do so much. You can work on yourself; you can share what you’re learning from your own counselor with your partner; you can recommend books, podcasts, retreats, and other resources to your partner; you can help your partner realize and work through the issues on your own. 

If you are ready for individual counseling or want to learn more about couples counseling in general, you can look at what we offer at Pivotal Counseling. Have hope and remember what you’re working toward. You are worthy of a healthy, beautiful relationship, especially with yourself. If your partner isn’t ready to do the work but you are, then do the work for you.  

If you’re in Northern Colorado and are ready to get started on the work, call Pivotal Counseling at (970) 281-4677 or fill out our online contact form, and we’ll reach out to you.

7 Reasons Your Partner Doesn't Want to Go to Couples Counseling (And How to Respond)

Sometimes partners reject the idea of couples counseling even when the relationship is struggling. Their reasons can be utterly confusing but we can help. Here are the seven most common reasons and a few hints on what you can do.

What should I do when my partner has shut down emotionally

Everyone has bad days, and sometimes those bad days turn into bad weeks. In every relationship, there are ups and downs, a period when one partner is giving far more than the other. In a healthy relationship, this is normal. However normal this is, though, it can be really difficult when one partner starts to shut down emotionally. Many people find this scary and uncomfortable, and many people start to worry that their partner is shutting down emotionally because they don’t want to be in the relationship anymore. Oftentimes, this is not the case. So, let’s talk about what you should do when your partner starts to shut down emotionally.

How do I know my partner is shutting down emotionally?

If you have been with your partner for a prolonged period, you likely will be able to tell that your partner is shutting down emotionally. The early signs may look something like:

  • Becoming distant

  • Spending more time alone

  • Staring off in the distance

  • Closing off a conversation

  • Actively avoiding certain topics

  • Seeming numb

Of course, this list is not exhaustive, and everyone responds to stress differently, meaning your partner’s response may look quite different. You know your partner within the context of your relationship best, so trust your instincts and keep an open line of communication with your partner.

If you notice your partner showing more severe signs of disconnection such as disassociation, loss of enjoyment, sense of meaninglessness, emotional eating, self-harm, or the use of substances, it may be a good time to reach out to your partner and express your concern in a non-confrontational way.

Why do some people shut their partner out emotionally?

A lot of the time, people don’t shut their partners out because they don’t want to continue the relationship. Being in a relationship is a vulnerable place to be, and some people may shut out the people who know them best in order to avoid judgment or disappointment. It could also be that your partner simply doesn’t have the emotional bandwidth to deal with whatever the stressor is. Another reason people tend to shut their partners out is because they don’t have the capacity to deal with the stressor itself and their partner’s reaction to it.

If your partner is shutting down emotionally, remind yourself that it’s likely not about you. Your partner just may not have the capacity to deal with the entirety of the situation at the moment and shutting down is how they can best navigate what’s happening right now.

What does it mean when someone shuts down emotionally and does it mean the relationship is over?

When your partner is shutting down emotionally, it means they are hurting. Generally, if your partner is shutting you out emotionally, it doesn’t mean that they don’t want to be with you anymore. We dissociate in this way when we are dealing with pain (emotional, mental, or physical) that is overwhelming to us, our brain shuts down our emotions to help protect us. It’s a form of the “freeze” in fight, flight, or freeze.

Shutting down emotionally is a form of dissociation, of turning off a connection with ourselves and what is going on. Essentially, your partner may be shutting down because their body is telling them that shutting down is the best way to stay safe. Give your partner grace as they navigate this stress response.

What do you do when someone is worried that their partner is shutting down emotionally?

If you’re worried that your partner has shut down emotionally, there are myriad responses that can arise. Some people may begin to panic, some may shut down in response, and some may cling on tighter in an effort to keep their partner. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of responses. All of these responses are born out of past experiences and are reactionary. If you feel that your partner is shutting down emotionally, take some time to ground yourself in the logic: this is likely about them, not you or the relationship. So, what do you do when you feel your partner is starting to shut down emotionally?

  • Remember that we all struggle at times

  • Give them space before you panic

  • Self-care

  • Support them in the ways you can

  • Let them know you’re concerned about them but you’re there for them if they need to talk

  • Encourage them to find someone they can talk to even if it isn’t you (sibling, friend, parent, pastor, therapist, etc.)

  • Accept it if they say they don’t want to talk to anyone but also ask them to consider how they would know if it *was* time to talk to someone even if they don’t want to.

  • Remember that there is a difference between “I don’t like that you’re struggling and want to help” and “I am worried about your well-being because of how severe or prolonged this is.” Speak up about both of these, but don’t confuse them.

How can I support my partner while they’re shutting down?

The first way that you can support your partner when you start to notice that they’re shutting down is to gently tell them you notice. They may want to talk about it, and they may not. Either way, let your partner choose where they want to go in the moment but remain supportive and gentle. Giving your partner a little space to navigate the stressor can be really helpful; a lot of people end up naturally figuring things out if they are given the time and space to do so. 

The most important way you can support your partner who is going through a difficult time is to make sure you don’t ignore them or shut down in kind. Ask your partner if they know what would feel helpful or supportive for them. Even a simple reminder that you love them and are available to talk if they want to is helpful. Other times, practical support like making them a meal or taking something off their to-do list can make a big impact. Meet your partner where they are and in a way that works for them. 

Another really important way to support your partner is to be persistent with your partner. Don’t ask if they’re okay once and assume they’ll come to you. Check in with them regularly and ask if the kind of support they needed is still what they need. This can be a difficult line to navigate, as you don’t want to pester and pressure your partner but instead to gently and consistently remind them that you’re there. It may be helpful to ask your partner how often you can check in with them or what ways of checking in would feel most supportive.

How do I still get my needs met when I feel like my partner is emotionally unavailable?

If you’re in a relationship with someone who is dealing with a chronic mental health condition like anxiety or depression and tends to shut down emotionally, it can start to feel frustrating and like your needs aren’t being met. Don’t count your partner out if this is the case. In fact, asking your partner to meet one of your needs may actually be a welcome distraction for them.

It can be helpful to give your partner an out. Let’s say that you want to watch a movie with your partner. Let them know that you want to do this but assure them that it’s okay if they have to get up to do something else or check out on their phone during the movie. This releases them from the pressure of being fully present and can help them feel more emotionally available if they know they can opt-out at any time. This way, your partner can at least try instead of saying no right away.

Another great way to get your needs met is to lean on family and friends. Your partner shouldn’t be your only source of support, and in these times, having other people to help hold you up can give you the boost you need to keep supporting your partner.

Lastly, don’t count yourself out. You can meet your needs. You can take yourself out for a nice meal or draw yourself a hot bath. You can read a fun book or listen to an exciting podcast. There are a lot of ways that you can meet your own needs while your partner is having a difficult time.

Final thoughts

Trust your partner and your relationship. Don’t be afraid to seek out support for yourself. Whether you’re looking for individual counseling or relationship counseling, finding a supportive counselor can help you get the support you need while respecting the boundaries of your relationship. At Pivotal Counseling, we help individuals and partners navigate all sorts of issues that can get in the way of feeling connected in relationships. If you’re ready to schedule your counseling session and start feeling connected and cared for again, call (970) 281-4677 or schedule a consultation online.