Arguing about what really happened or about what’s true isn’t helpful. Couples communication requires seeing beyond the back and forth of whose reality is right to a bigger, better picture where both people’s experiences matter.
Couples often fall in the "should" trap and end up feeling resentment and defensive. There's a better way that helps both people feel closer and more connected.
Affairs and other forms of betrayal can devastate a relationship. We work with all three components that need help in the aftermath of an affair: the betrayed partner, the unfaithful partner, and the relationship itself. Each part is important and each part requires a particular approach.
When couples both have unmet needs, it is easy to wait for the other one to start fixing things first. Here's how we talk about that in couples counseling.
Perfect relationships are a myth. Real relationships have problems and struggles. That doesn't mean they can't be perfectly healthy. Here are seven things that help make the "perfect" healthy relationship.